Summer 2021

Summer Cluster in Quantum Computation

Jun. 28Aug. 6, 2021

We are poised at a singular moment in the development of quantum computing, with small- to medium-scale quantum computers poised to become a reality. This has thrown up new algorithmic challenges from benchmarking and testing of quantum computers, to concretely understanding what kinds of algorithmic tasks these quantum computers will be useful for. The theory of interactive quantum device testing has already led to deep new connections with cryptography and computational complexity theory, and the resolution of some long standing open questions in mathematics. Among the algorithmic tasks being intensely studied are simulation of quantum systems, quantum chemistry, and quantum machine learning. And critical to the scaling of quantum computers will be advances in quantum error-correction and fault tolerance protocols. At the same time, ideas from quantum computation are playing a critical role in understanding foundational open issues in physics, such as a theory of quantum gravity. The 2021 Quantum Cluster will bring together researchers from computer science, physics, chemistry, and mathematics to advance the science in these areas. 

Participation in this summer cluster is by invitation only.


Umesh Vazirani (UC Berkeley; chair), Sandy Irani (UC Irvine), James Whitfield (Dartmouth College), Henry Yuen (Columbia)

Long-Term Participants (including Organizers):

Ehud Altman (UC Berkeley), Dong An (UC Berkeley), Adam Bouland (Stanford), Andrea Coladangelo (Caltech), Emily Davis (UC Berkeley), Di Fang (UC Berkeley), Bill Fefferman (University of Chicago), András Gilyén (Caltech), Martin Head-Gordon (UC Berkeley), William Huggins (Google), Nick Hunter-Jones (Perimeter Institute), Sandy Irani (UC Irvine), Dakshita Khurana (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign), Anirudh Krishna (Stanford), Zeph Landau (UC Berkeley), Lin Lin (UC Berkeley), Fermi Ma (Princeton University), Joel Moore (UC Berkeley), Bryan O'Gorman (UC Berkeley / NASA Ames), Vaidhyanathan Pranav (UC Berkeley), Norbert Schuch (University of Vienna), Nikhil Srivastava (UC Berkeley), Avishay Tal (UC Berkeley), Umesh Vazirani (UC Berkeley; chair), Birgitta Whaley (UC Berkeley), James Whitfield (Dartmouth College), Lisa Yang (MIT), Norman Yao (UC Berkeley), Henry Yuen (Columbia), Mike Zaletel (UC Berkeley)

Research Fellows:

Anurag Anshu (UC Berkeley)

Visiting Graduate Students and Postdocs:

Nilin Abrahamsen (Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)), Thiago Bergamaschi (UC Berkeley), Yongshan Ding (University of Chicago), Sam Gunn (UC Berkeley), Shih-Han Hung (University of Maryland), Jiahui Liu (University of Texas Austin), Qipeng Liu (Princeton University), Yunchao Liu (UC Berkeley), Gregory Meyer (UC Berkeley), Chinmay Nirkhe (UC Berkeley), Bhaskar Roberts (UC Berkeley), Jimmy Yao (UC Berkeley)