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Monday, June 17 – Friday, June 21, 2024
Playlist: 24 videos
Playlist: 20 videos
Playlist: 16 videos
Sep. 2022
Chen-Yu Wei (University of Southern California)
Quantifying Uncertainty: Stochastic, Adversarial, and Beyond
To evaluate the performance of a bandit learner in a changing environment, the standard notion of regret is insufficient. Instead, "dynamic regret" is a better measure that can evaluate the learner's ability to track the changes. How to achieve the optimal dynamic regret without prior knowledge on the number of times the environment changes had been open for a long time, and was recently resolved by Auer, Gajane, and Ortner in their COLT 2019 paper. We will discuss their consecutive sampling technique, which is rare in the bandit literature, and see how their idea can be elegantly generalized to a wide range of bandit/RL problems. Finally, we will discuss important open problems that remain in the area.
Quantifying Uncertainty: Stochastic, Adversarial, and Beyond
To evaluate the performance of a bandit learner in a changing environment, the standard notion of regret is insufficient. Instead, "dynamic regret" is a better measure that can evaluate the learner's ability to track the changes. How to achieve the optimal dynamic regret without prior knowledge on the number of times the environment changes had been open for a long time, and was recently resolved by Auer, Gajane, and Ortner in their COLT 2019 paper. We will discuss their consecutive sampling technique, which is rare in the bandit literature, and see how their idea can be elegantly generalized to a wide range of bandit/RL problems. Finally, we will discuss important open problems that remain in the area.
Aug. 2022
Nika Haghtalab (UC Berkeley)
Data-Driven Decision Processes Boot Camp
Social and real-world considerations such as robustness, fairness, social welfare, and multi-agent tradeoffs have given rise to multi-distribution learning paradigms. In recent years, these paradigms have been studied by several disconnected communities and under different names, including collaborative learning, distributional robustness, and fair federated learning. In this short tutorial, I will highlight the importance of multi-distribution learning paradigms in general, introduce technical tools for addressing them, and discuss how these problems relate to classical and modern consideration in data driven processes.
Data-Driven Decision Processes Boot Camp
Social and real-world considerations such as robustness, fairness, social welfare, and multi-agent tradeoffs have given rise to multi-distribution learning paradigms. In recent years, these paradigms have been studied by several disconnected communities and under different names, including collaborative learning, distributional robustness, and fair federated learning. In this short tutorial, I will highlight the importance of multi-distribution learning paradigms in general, introduce technical tools for addressing them, and discuss how these problems relate to classical and modern consideration in data driven processes.
Jul. 2019
Playlist: 34 videos
Jun. 2018
Jens Eisert, Freie Universität Berlin
Challenges in Quantum Computation
Challenges in Quantum Computation
Apr. 2018
S. Murray Sherman, University of Chicago
Computational Theories of the Brain
Computational Theories of the Brain
Mar. 2018
David Sussillo, Google
Targeted Discovery in Brain Data
Targeted Discovery in Brain Data
Much of the progress in solving discrete optimization problems, especially in terms of approximation algorithms, has come from designing novel continuous relaxations. The primary tools in this area are linear programming and semidefinite programming. Other forms of relaxations have also been developed, such as multilinear relaxation for submodular optimization. In this workshop, we explore the state-of-the-art techniques for performing discrete optimization based on continuous relaxations of the underlying problem, as well as our current understanding of the limitations of this kind of approach. We focus on LP/SDP relaxations and techniques for rounding their solutions, as well as methods for submodular optimization, both in the offline and online setting. We also investigate the limits of such relaxations and hardness of approximation results.
Playlist: 28 videos
May. 2017
Sanjoy Dasgupta, UC San Diego
Computational Challenges in Machine Learning
Computational Challenges in Machine Learning
Oct. 2016
Dan Suciu, University of Washington
Uncertainty in Computation
Uncertainty in Computation
Dec. 2015
Richard Karp sat down with Tim Roughgarden to discuss the Fall 2015 program on Economics and Computation.
Nov. 2015
Tuomas Sandholm, Carnegie Mellon University
Algorithmic Game Theory and Practice
Algorithmic Game Theory and Practice
Nov. 16 – Nov. 20, 2015
Playlist: 23 videos
Feb. 9 – Feb. 13, 2015
Playlist: 24 videos
Apr. 21 – Apr. 24, 2014
Playlist: 20 videos
Sept. 9 – Sept. 13, 2013
Playlist: 13 videos