Structural Results
Establishing (and oftentimes, even formulating) structural results for Boolean functions with respect to some problem of interest is prevalent throughout many branches of mathematics. A prominent example is the “structure versus randomness” paradigm. Notable problems that were recently solved, using such ideas, include the quantitative improvement of the sunflower lemma, advances on various Turán problems, the resolutions of the sensitivity conjecture, the cap set problem, and the Kahn-Kalai Conjecture. The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers from different perspectives, introduce the different techniques in these problems and push them further.
Registration is required to attend this workshop. Space may be limited, and you are advised to register early. The link to the registration form will appear on this page approximately 10 weeks before the workshop. To submit your name for consideration, please register and await confirmation of your acceptance before booking your travel.
Further details about this workshop will be posted in due course. To contact the organizers about this workshop, please complete this form.
Please note: the Simons Institute regularly captures photos and video of activity around the Institute for use in videos, publications, and promotional materials.