This conference is focused on the changing role and nature of the discipline of statistics in the time of a data deluge in many applications, and increasing success of artificial intelligence at performing many data analysis tasks. The conference aims to bring together experts in statistical methodology and theory for complex and big data with researchers focused on a range of applications, from genomics to social networks, and to provide opportunities for new researchers to learn about both emerging methods and applications.
The conference will also be an occasion to celebrate Professor Peter Bickel’s 80th birthday. Peter has spent his long and distinguished career at the Department of Statistics at UC Berkeley, throughout which he remained committed to developing theory and methods that shed light on relevant applications, a goal more relevant than ever in the age of big data.
This event has hit capacity for in-person attendance and registration is now closed for this event. A recording will be posted on this page after the event.
For those of you who have already been confirmed for in-person attendance: If you require accommodation for communication, information about mobility access, or have dietary restrictions, please contact our Access Coordinator at simonsevents [at] with as much advance notice as possible.
Confirmed Speakers:
Ben Brown (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), Florentina Bunea (Cornell University), David Donoho (Stanford University), Iain Johnstone (Stanford), Jing Lei (Carnegie Mellon University), Lihua Lei (Stanford) Jingyi Jessica Li (UCLA), Boaz Nadler (Weizmann Institute), Dominik Rothenhaeusler (Stanford), Purnamrita Sarkar (University of Texas at Austin), Jas Sekhon (Yale), Alexandre Tsybakov (ENSAE-CREST), Rachel Wang (University of Sydney), Yazhen Wang (University of Wisconsin, Madison), Richard Samworth (University of Cambridge), Chien-Fu Jeff Wu (Georgia Tech), Nancy Zhang (University of Pennsylvania), Harrison Zhou (Yale University)
Discussion Panel:
Peter Bickel (UC Berkeley), Peter Bühlmann (ETH Zurich), Jianqing Fan (Princeton University), Jon McAuliffe (Voleon and UC Berkeley), Deb Nolan (UC Berkeley), Tao Shi (Citadel), Bin Yu (UC Berkeley).
Moderator: Liza Levina (University of Michigan).
Conference Dinner:
The conference dinner will be held at the Berkeley City Club on June 2, 2022. Dinner registration is separate from conference registration. Dinner details have been shared with all in-person participants. If you are registered and confirmed to participate in person but did not receive an email with dinner information, please contact Judy McDonald (jkmcdon [at]
Several hotels are offering a reduced rate for this event, without holding a set number of rooms, so availability is first come, first served.
- Hotel Shattuck
- The Graduate Hotel
Discounted rate booking links will be emailed to you with registration confirmation. There are multiple other options in the area.
IMS Travel Grants for Graduate Students and New Researchers:
The Institute of Mathematical Statistics, a conference co-sponsor, awards the IMS Hannan Graduate Student Travel Award and the IMS New Researcher Travel Award – deadline TBD. More information about eligibility and application process available here.
We gratefully acknowledge support from:
Further details about this workshop will be posted in due course. Inquiries may be sent to the organizers workshop_bigdataera [at] (at this address).
Please note: the Simons Institute regularly captures photos and video of activity around the Institute for use in videos, publications, and promotional materials.