Algorithmic Game Theory and Practice
Algorithmic Game Theory (AGT) has made important theoretical contributions benefiting both Economics and Computer Science. It has also had significant practical impact, in a broad range of applications including online, matching and assignment markets, Internet advertising, information diffusion, airport security, etc. This workshop will showcase the impact of AGT on practice, and explore avenues for increasing the field's practical impact, including connections to machine learning, data science, and financial markets.
All talks will be recorded. Enquiries may be sent to the organizers workshop_economics2 [at] lists.simons.berkeley.edu (at this address.)
Support is gratefully acknowledged from:
Susan Athey (Stanford University), Hedyeh Beyhaghi (Cornell University), Simina Brânzei (Aarhus University), Eric Budish (University of Chicago), Yang Cai (McGill University), Joaquin Candela (Facebook), Gabriel Carroll (Stanford University), Yiling Chen (Harvard University), Xi Chen (Columbia University), Giorgos Christodoulou (University of Liverpool), Richard Cole (New York University), Vincent Conitzer (Duke University), Constantinos Daskalakis (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Xiaotie Deng (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Shaddin Dughmi (University of Southern California), Chiara Farronato (Harvard University), Zhe Feng (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Amos Fiat (Tel Aviv University), Vasilis Gkatzelis (Stanford University), Ashish Goel (Stanford University), Kira Goldner (University of Washington), Nima Haghpanah (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Eric Horvitz (Microsoft Research), Kamal Jain (eBay Research Labs), Pooya Jalaly Khalilabadi (Cornell University), Ramesh Johari (Stanford University), Ehud Kalai (Northwestern University), Ravi Kannan (Microsoft Research India), Yashodhan Kanoria (Columbia Business School), Chinmay Karande (Facebook), Anna Karlin (University of Washington), Michael Kearns (University of Pennsylvania), Andrew Kephart (Duke University), Jon Kleinberg (Cornell University), Ilias Koutsoupias (University of Oxford), Kevin Leyton-Brown (University of British Columbia), Andrew Lo (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Preston McAfee (Microsoft), Ruta Mehta (Georgia Institute of Technology), Paul Milgrom (Stanford University), Herve Moulin (University of Glasgow), Denis Nekipelov (University of Virginia), Evdokia Nikolova (University of Texas at Austin), Chris Nosko (University of Chicago), Christos Papadimitriou (UC Berkeley), David Parkes (Harvard University), Georgios Piliouras (Singapore University of Technology and Design), Christos-Alexandros Psomas (UC Berkeley), Alvin Roth (Stanford University), Tim Roughgarden (Stanford University), Aviad Rubinstein (UC Berkeley), Daniela Saban (Stanford University), Tuomas Sandholm (Carnegie Mellon University), Okke Schrijvers (Stanford University), Ilya Segal (Stanford University), Ella Segev (Ben Gurion University of the Negev), Nihar Shah (UC Berkeley), Chris Shannon, Warut Suksompong (Stanford University), Arun Sundararajan (New York University), Steve Tadelis (UC Berkeley), Milind Tambe (University of Southern California), Pingzhong Tang (Tsinghua University), Éva Tardos (Cornell University), Hal Varian (Google, Inc.), Vijay Vazirani (Georgia Tech), Bernhard von Stengel (London School of Economics), Matt Weinberg (Princeton University), Sam Wong (UC Berkeley), James Wright (University of British Columbia), Lirong Xia (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), Haifeng Xu (University of Southern California), Emmanouil Zampetakis (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Aviv Zohar (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)