Talks Summer 2022

Inspirations Across Seven Decades

Friday, June 3rd, 2022, 2:20 pm3:00 pm

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David Donoho (Stanford University)


Calvin Lab Auditorium

Peter Bickel has been a world-beating researcher at a world-beating department in a world-beating research university for roughly sixty years. 

I myself have cited in my own published work contributions that Bickel has made across each of the decades 1960-,1970-,1980-,1990-,2000- and 2010-; and I hope to soon cite his most recently-appeared (2021) work; this makes 7 decades of Peter's explicit influence on my own intellectual development. While I wouldn't be able to do justice to the massive oeuvre he has produced, I will try to discuss some of his contributions and the consequences in the research areas where I do have some expertise; these include robustness, high-dimensional linear models, compressed sensing, and high-dimensional covariance estimation.