Divyarthi Mohan
Divya is a postdoctoral fellow in the School of Computer Science at Tel Aviv University hosted by Michal Feldman. Her research interests broadly include Algorithms and Algorithmic Game Theory. She am primarily intersted in Multi-item Mechanism Design, and Social Learning and Communication. She is also interested in other areas of Theoretical Computer Science like Approximation Algorithms, Dynamic Algorithms, and Online Algorithms.
She completed her PhD in Computer Science from Princeton University, where she was advised by Matt Weinberg. During her PhD, she had the opportunity to work as a research intern at Microsoft and Google.
Previously, she obtained her MSc in Theoretical Computer Science from The Institute of Mathematical Sciences in Chennai, where she worked with Sayan Bhattacharya for her Master's thesis. Prior to that, she did her undergradute studies in Mathematics at Indian Statistical Institute in Bangalore.
Program Visits
- Graph Limits and Processes on Networks: From Epidemics to Misinformation, Fall 2022. J.P. Morgan Research Fellow.
- Online and Matching-Based Market Design, Fall 2019. Visiting Graduate Student.