Summer 2016

Real-Time Decision Making

Monday, Jun 27, 2016 to Friday, Jul 1, 2016 

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Josh Bloom (UC Berkeley), Balaji Prabhakar (Stanford University)

This workshop concerns algorithmic methods for the control of systems characterized by the need to make real-time decisions based on data arriving continuously in high volume.  Its goal is to create collaborations between researchers in domains of physical sciences, engineering and societal systems involving real-time decision making, and mathematical and computational scientists with the tools required to attack the decision-theoretic problems arising in these domains. The workshop will include expository presentations on robotic astronomical observation, earthquake early warning, control of transportation networks, online matching markets and smart energy grids; talks on the central mathematical and algorithmic problems arising in such  decision problems; and group discussions aimed at framing a broad research agenda for both theoretical and applied progress on these problems.

Invited Participants: 

Ilan Adler (UC Berkeley), Richard Allen (UC Berkeley), Venkat Anantharam (UC Berkeley), Siddhartha Banerjee (Cornell University), Peter Bartlett (UC Berkeley), Alexandre Bayen (UC Berkeley), Stephen Boyd (Stanford University), Ana Busic (INRIA and École Normale Supérieure Paris), Graham Cormode (University of Warwick), Mark Davenport (Georgia Institute of Technology), Laurent El Ghaoui (UC Berkeley), Dan Feldman (University of Haifa), Babak Hassibi (California Institute of Technology), Dorit Hochbaum (UC Berkeley), Ravi Kannan (Microsoft Research India), Sampath Kannan (University of Pennsylvania), Dick Karp (UC Berkeley), Edward Lee (UC Berkeley), Steven Low (California Institute of Technology), Sean Meyn (University of Florida), Muthu Muthukrishnan (Rutgers University), Harvey Newman (California Institute of Technology), Evdokia Nikolova (University of Texas at Austin), Peter Nugent (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab), Balaji Prabhakar (Stanford University), Yuval Rabani (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Prasad Raghavendra (UC Berkeley), Kannan Ramchandran (UC Berkeley), Ronitt Rubinfeld (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Amin Saberi (Stanford University), Leonard Schulman (California Institute of Technology), Rocco Servedio (Columbia University), Sanjit Seshia (UC Berkeley), David Shmoys (Cornell University), Alistair Sinclair (UC Berkeley), Claire Tomlin (UC Berkeley), John Tsitsiklis (MIT), Pravin Varaiya (UC Berkeley), Jean Walrand (UC Berkeley), Neil Walton (University of Manchester), Damon Wischik (Urban Engines), David Woodruff (IBM Research, Almaden), Ramin Zabih (Cornell University)