Fall 2018

Koret-Berkeley-Tel Aviv Initiative in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics

Tuesday, Oct 9, 2018 to Thursday, Oct 11, 2018 

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The Koret-Berkeley-Tel Aviv (KBT) Initiative in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics is a new collaborative program between the Center for Computational Biology at UC Berkeley (UCB) and the Edmond J. Safra Center for Bioinformatics at Tel Aviv University (TAU). The initiative is supported by a generous donation from the Koret Foundation. The initiative will harness the complementary expertise and capabilities of TAU and UCB in the bioinformatics and computational biology fields to conduct novel research aimed at the development of computational tools that integrate genetic, genomic and other patient data. Its ultimate goal will be to usher in a new era of truly personalized medicine. The KBT Initiative will fund high quality joint research grants in computational biology and bioinformatics, sponsor seminars and workshops at Berkeley and TAU, and support short term and extended exchange programs, and an extended program at the Simons Institute.

The kickoff workshop of the KBT initiative will give an opportunity to senior researchers from UCB and TAU to present their research in computational biology and bioinformatics. Topics will include, among others genomics, clinical genomics, systems immunology, epigenetics, network biology, microbial evolutionary genomics, metagenomics, gene regulation and human disease, regeneration modeling, RNA regulation, phylogenetic analysis, CRISPR-CAS9 systems analysis.

The workshop is open to all interested participants.

Sponsored by the Koret Foundation.

Organized by the KBT Initiative Steering Committee:
Steven E. Brenner (PI), Ron Shamir (PI), Adi Stern, Nir Yosef
safrabio [at] & kbti [at]


Speaker: Rasmus Nielsen (UC Berkeley)
Speaker: Tal Pupko (Tel Aviv University)
Speaker: Jennifer Listgarten (UC Berkeley)
Speaker: Noam Shomron (Tel Aviv University)