Foundations of Data Science Reunion
This reunion workshop is for long-term participants in the program "Foundations of Data Science" held in the Fall 2018 semester. It will provide an opportunity to meet old and new friends. Moreover, we hope that it will give everyone a chance to reflect on the progress made during the semester and since, and sketch which directions the field should go in the future. In an effort to keep things informal and to encourage open discussion, none of the activities will be recorded. Participation in the workshop is by invitation only.
Ainesh Bakshi (Carnegie Mellon University), Peter Bartlett (UC Berkeley), Soheil Behnezhad (University of Maryland), Peter Bickel (UC Berkeley), Vladmir Braverman (Johns Hopkins University), Amit Chakrabarti (Dartmouth College), Artur Czumaj (University of Warwick), Michal Derezinski (UC Santa Cruz), Ilias Diakonikolas (UW Madison), Jelena Diakonikolas (FODA Institute), Simon Du (Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton), Aditya Guntuboyina (UC Berkeley), Wooseok Ha (UC Berkeley), Mohammad Hajiaghayi (University of Maryland), Adel Javanmard (USC), Rajesh Jayaram (Carnegie Mellon University), Jiantao Jiao (UC Berkeley), Brendan Juba (Washington University in St. Louis), John Kallaugher (University of Texas at Austin), Michael Kapralov (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL)), Rajiv Khanna (University of Texas at Austin), Robert Krauthgamer (Weizmann Institute of Science), Yury Makarychev (Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago), Alan Malek (MIT), Marco Mondelli (IST Austria), Sayan Mukherjee (Duke University), Eric Price (University of Texas at Austin), Farbod Roosta (University of Queensland), Barna Saha (UC Berkeley), Samira Samadi (Georgia Institute of Technology), Sujay Sanghavi (UT Austin and Amazon), Michael Saunders (Stanford University), Zhao Song (IAS), Yan Shuo Tan (UC Berkeley), Jayram Thathachar (T.S. Jayram) (IBM Almaden Research), Madeleine Udell (Cornell University), David Woodruff (Carnegie Mellon University), Xiaoxia Wu (University of Texas at Austin), Bin Yu (UC Berkeley), Hongyang Zhang (TTIC)