Spring 2014

Exact Holographic Mapping and Emergent Space-time Geometry

Monday, March 24th, 2014, 3:30 pm4:15 pm

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Calvin Lab Auditorium

Holographic duality is a duality between quantum many-body systems (boundary) and gravity systems with one additional spatial dimension (bulk). In this talk, I will describe a new approach to holographic duality for lattice systems, called the exact holographic mapping. The key idea of this approach can be summarized by two points: 1) The bulk theory is nothing but the boundary theory viewed in a different basis. 2) Space-time geometry is determined by the structure of correlations and quantum entanglement in a quantum state. For free fermion boundary theories, I will show how different bulk geometries including AdS space, black holes and worm-holes emerge. I will also discuss the generalization of this approach in more generic interacting systems.

Reference: Xiao-Liang Qi, Exact holographic mapping and emergent space-time geometry, arxiv:1309.6282 (2013)