Spring 2017

Positional Games and Randomness

Thursday, April 13th, 2017, 9:30 am10:30 am

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Positional games are perfect information games between two players with no chance moves. As such, they do not seem to allow much room for randomness and random considerations. Yet, as convincingly shown by intensive research in the last decades, randomness is omnipresent in positional games and manifests itself in a variety of ways, including:
- probabilistic (looking) winning criteria;
- guessing the threshold bias of biased games; - winning using random play;
- playing on random boards;
- introducing randomness into game rules.

In this survey talk I will discuss and illustrate the rich interplay between positional games and randomness, concentrating mostly on Maker-Breaker games. Essentially no prior experience with positional games will be assumed.

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