Randomized Online Matching in Regular Graphs
In this talk, we will discuss the classic online matching problem, introduced in the seminal work of Karp, Vazirani and Vazirani (STOC 1990), in regular graphs. For such graphs, an optimal deterministic algorithm, as well as efficient algorithms under stochastic input assumptions were known. In this work, we present a novel randomized algorithm with competitive ratio tending to one on this family of graphs, under adversarial arrival order. Our main contribution is a novel algorithm which achieves competitive ratio $1-O(\sqrt{\log d}/\sqrt{d})$ in expectation on $d$-regular graphs. In contrast, we show that all previously-studied online algorithms have competitive ratio strictly bounded away from one. Moreover, we show the convergence rate of our algorithm's competitive ratio to one is nearly tight, as no algorithm achieves competitive ratio better than $1-O(1/\sqrt{d})$. Finally, we show that our algorithm yields a similar competitive ratio with high probability, as well as guaranteeing each vertex a probability of being matched tending to one.
Joint work with David Wajc (Carnegie Mellon University)