Spring 2022

Causalsim: Trace-Driven Simulation For Network Protocols

Tuesday, March 22nd, 2022, 4:00 pm4:30 pm

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Calvin Lab Auditorium

Evaluating the real-world performance of network protocols is challenging. Randomized control trials (RCT) are expensive and inaccessible to most, while simulators fail to capture complex behaviors in real networks. In this talk, we introduce CausalSim, a trace-driven counterfactual simulator for network protocols that addresses this challenge. Counterfactual simulation aims to predict what would happen using different protocols under the same conditions as a given trace. This is complicated due to the bias introduced by the protocols used during trace collection. CausalSim uses traces from an initial RCT under a set of protocols to learn a causal network model, effectively removing the biases present in the data. Key to CausalSim is mapping the task of counterfactual simulation to that of tensor completion with extremely sparse observations. Through an adversarial neural network training technique that exploits distributional invariances that are present in training data coming from an RCT, CausalSim enables a novel tensor completion method despite the sparsity of observations. We will discuss empirical evaluation of the CausalSim.