Fall 2022

Algorithms Using Local Graph Features to Predict Epidemics

Monday, October 24th, 2022, 11:00 am12:00 pm

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Calvin Lab Auditorium

People's interaction networks play a critical role in epidemics. However, precise mapping of the network structure is often expensive or even impossible. I will show that it is unnecessary to map the entire network. Instead, contact tracing a few samples from the population is enough to estimate an outbreak's likelihood and size.

More precisely, I start by studying a simple epidemic model where one node is initially infected, and an infected node transmits the disease to its neighbors independently with probability p. In this model, I will present a nonparametric estimator on the likelihood of an outbreak based on local graph features and give theoretical guarantees on the estimator's accuracy for a large class of networks. Finally, I will extend the result to the general SIR model with random recovery time: Local graph features are enough to predict the time evolution of epidemics on a large class of networks.


PDF icon simons-sir.pdf1.94 MB