Sunoo Park
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Sunoo Park is a PhD student in the Cryptography and Information Security group within the Theory of Computation group at MIT. Her advisor is Shafi Goldwasser, and her research interests lie broadly in cryptography, game theory, privacy, and security. In the last couple of years, Park has done research internships with Ivan Damgård at Aarhus University and Moti Yung at Columbia University and, most recently, with Yael Tauman Kalai at Microsoft Research. She spent Spring 2015 as a visiting student at the Weizmann Institute of Science. Park completed her BA in Computer Science at the University of Cambridge in 2013.
Program Visits
- Proofs, Consensus, and Decentralizing Society, Fall 2019. Visiting Graduate Student.
- Cryptography, Summer 2015. Visiting Graduate Student.