Orna Grumberg
Orna Grumberg is the Leumi Chair Professor of Computer Science at the Technion. She is a member of the Academia Europea and an ACM fellow. She holds a PhD from the Computer Science Department at the Technion, and an Honorary Doctorate from the Technical University of Munich.
Her research interests include automated verification of software and hardware; Automated program repair; Exploiting model checking to finding security vulnerabilities; Abstraction, refinement and modularity in model checking; Temporal logics; and automata on infinite objects.
Grumberg serves on the steering committee of the main conference on model checking - Computer-aided Verification (CAV). She serves on numerous program committees of leading conferences.
Grumberg is co-author of the highly-cited book “Model Checking”, which is the main reference for the field of Formal Verification. She published numerous papers in top journals and leading conferences in the field and is highly cited. Her work on counterexample-guided abstraction refinement (CEGAR) has won the CAV award. Grumberg’s MSc and PhD students form the basis of the strong verification groups in Israeli branches of international companies such as IBM, Intel, Cadence and Nvidia.
Program Visits
- Theoretical Foundations of Computer Systems, Spring 2021. Visiting Scientist.