Michele Borassi

IMT Institute for Advanced Studies

Michele Borassi is a PhD student in Computer Science at IMT Institute for Advanced Studies, Lucca, Italy. He completed his BSc and his MSc in Mathematics at Pisa University (110/110 cum laude), and he also obtained the Scuola Normale Superiore diploma, in Mathematics (70/70 cum laude). Borassi's main research interest is the design and analysis of algorithms that perform very well on real-world networks. The efficiency of these algorithms can be proved either by testing or by proving that they are efficient on graphs generated through specific models with high probability. On these topics, he published 8 papers in journals and peer-reviewed conference proceedings, and he reviewed several other papers on similar topics. Borassi is a teaching assistant in the course “Sistemi Distribuiti e Reti di Calcolatori”, in Florence University, taught by his supervisor Pierluigi Crescenzi.

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