Marta Kwiatkowska
Marta Kwiatkowska is Professor of Computing Systems and Fellow of Trinity College, University of Oxford. Prior to this, she was Professor in the School of Computer Science at the University of Birmingham, Lecturer at the University of Leicester and Assistant Professor at the Jagiellonian University in Kracow, Poland. She holds a BSc/MSc in Computer Science from the Jagiellonian University, an MA from Oxford, and a PhD from the University of Leicester. In 2014, she was awarded an honorary doctorate from KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. Kwiatkowska spearheaded the development of probabilistic and quantitative methods in verification on the international scene. She led the development of the PRISM model checker, the leading software tool in the area and widely used for research and teaching. Applications of probabilistic model checking have spanned communication and security protocols, nanotechnology designs, power management, game theory, planning and systems biology, with genuine flaws found and corrected in real-world protocols. Kwiatkowska gave the Milner Lecture in 2012, an honor to which she was invited in recognition of "excellent and original theoretical work which has a perceived significance for practical computing," and was invited to give keynotes at the LICS 2003, ESEC/FSE 2007, ETAPS/FASE 2011 and ATVA 2013 conferences. Kwiatkowska is a member of Academia Europea and a Fellow of the BCS. She serves on editorial boards of several journals, including Information and Computation, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Formal Methods in System Design, Logical Methods in Computer Science, Science of Computer Programming and Royal Society's Philosophical Transactions. Kwiatkowska's research has been supported by grant funding from EPSRC, ERC, EU, DARPA and Microsoft Research Cambridge, including the prestigious ERC Advanced Grant VERIWARE ("From software verification to everyware verification").
Program Visits
- Theoretical Foundations of Computer Systems, Spring 2021. Visiting Scientist, Program Organizer and Workshop Organizer.
- Logical Structures in Computation, Fall 2016. Visiting Scientist.