Elena Kirshanova
Postdoctoral Researcher, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University
Elena Kirshanova is a Postdoc and 50%-time lecturer at I.Kant Baltic Federal University at the Lab "Mathematical methods in information security". Her research interests include practical and theoretical cryptanalysis of lattice-based primitives. Elena also likes to apply quantum techniques to speed up cryptanalytic algroithms for solving problems that underlie lattice- and code-based schemes. Elena received her PhD from Ruhr University Bochum at the Chair of Cryptology and IT Secturity, advised by Prof. Dr. Alexander May. Then she was a Postdoc at ENS Lyon in AriC team supervised by Prof. Dr. Damien Stehlé.
Program Visits
- Lattices: Algorithms, Complexity, and Cryptography, Spring 2020. Visiting Scientist and Workshop Organizer.