Fall 2022

Sparse Random Graphs with Many Triangles

Tuesday, September 27th, 2022, 2:45 pm3:30 pm

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Suman Chakraborty (Leiden University)


Calvin Lab Auditorium


It is well known that sparse random graphs (where the number of edges is of the order of the number of vertices) contain only a small number of triangles. On the other hand, many networks observed in real life are sparse but contain a large number of triangles. Motivated by this discrepancy we ask the following two questions: How (un)likely is it that a sparse random graph contains a large number of triangles? What does the graph look like when it contains a large number of triangles? We also ask a related question: What is the probability that in a sparse random graph a large number of vertices are part of some triangle? We discuss these questions, as well as some applications to exponential random graph models.