Spring 2020

Overview of Attacks on Ideal-SVP and Module-SVP
Tuesday, March 3rd, 2020, 10:00 am–12:00 pm
Parent Program:
Calvin Lab Auditorium, Room 116
The objective of the talk is to present the different techniques and results that have been achieved in the past years towards finding short vectors in ideal and module lattices. We should (hopefully) cover the following results: Campbell-Groves-Shepherd'14, Biasse-Song'16, Cramer-Ducas-Peikert-Regev'16, Cramer-Ducas-Wesolowski'17, Pellet-Mary-Hanrot-Stehlé'19, Ducas-Plançon-Wesolowski'19, Lee-Pellet-Mary-Stehlé-Wallet'