Spring 2014

Lightning Talks I

Wednesday, March 26th, 2014, 2:00 pm2:45 pm

Dear Participant:
To encourage discussion and new ideas, we have added an extra session for "lightning talks" on Tuesday afternoon. These will be 3 minute talks. Yes, three minutes! We very strongly encourage all participants who want to give such a talk. The time will be strictly enforced (we will have a bell!), and we reserve the right to change the length of the talk by dividing the available time by the number of people who would like to give one. If interested, please email a title to vazirani [at] (Umesh Vazirani) and mahastin [at] (Matt Hastings) at vazirani [at] and mahastin [at] All lightning talks will be whiteboard only, no slides. All ideas encouraged, or even just advertise whatever you are thinking about. An interesting open problem or conjecture is perfect for a lightning talk; there is no need to have solved the problem. (For those who don't know, such talks are a long tradition at the Rutgers Statistical Mechanics meeting that we are deciding to try out here.)