Gilles Zemor
Gilles Zemor was born in Paris, France, in 1963. He received the Agrégation de Mathématiques in 1984, a PhD degree in computer science from Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications (ENST), Paris, in 1989, and the Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches in mathematics from Paris 6 University in 2002. From 1990 to 2006, he was Associate Professor at the Computer Science and Network Department of ENST. Since 2006 he has been a Professor at the Mathematics Institute of Bordeaux University. He has published over one hundred research papers on a wide variety of topics, and is equally attracted to theoretical and applied subjects. His interests include combinatorial mathematics, coding theory, quantum codes, additive combinatorics, and cryptography.
Program Visits
- Error-Correcting Codes: Theory and Practice, Spring 2024. Visiting Scientist and Workshop Organizer.
- Summer Cluster: Error-Correcting Codes and High-Dimensional Expansion, Summer 2019. Visiting Scientist.