Wednesday, February 17th, 2021

First Learning Theory Mentorship Conference, March 4⁠–⁠5

⁠On behalf of the Learning Theory Alliance, we are delighted to announce the first Learning Theory Mentorship Workshop, which will be held virtually March 4–⁠5, 2021. The workshop will focus on building technical and networking skills while giving participants an opportunity to interact with fellow researchers in the field, and is organized in collaboration with the Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT) 2021.

The workshop is intended for graduate and upper-level undergraduate students and postdoctoral researchers who are excited about the possibility of learning-theory research. No prior research experience in the field is expected.

Planned events include:

  • How-to talks that will provide general advice about giving talks, structuring papers, writing reviews, networking, and attending conferences;
  • A small group discussion dissecting a short talk with feedback from a senior researcher;
  • An informal and interactive “Ask Me Anything” session with a senior member of the learning theory community;
  • General audience talks about recent learning theory research which will be accessible to new researchers;
  • Social events such as board games.

Faculty highlights and speakers include Jacob Abernethy, Kamalika Chaudhuri, Nadav Cohen, Rafael Frongillo, Shafi Goldwasser, Zhiyi Huang, Robert Kleinberg, Pravesh Kothari, Po-Ling Loh, Lester Mackey, Jamie Morgenstern, Praneeth Netrapalli, Vatsal Sharan and Mary Wootters.

Together with Gautam Kamath, the workshop organizers will compile a written account of ALT titled “ALT Highlights,” which will summarize the research presented at ALT. They will also assist students and postdocs in setting up interviews with presenters and keynote speakers as part of the highlights.

A short application form is required to participate, and has an application deadline of Friday, Feb. 19, 2021. Students with backgrounds that are underrepresented or underserved in related fields are especially encouraged to apply. More information can be found on the event website.

This workshop is part of our broader community building initiative called the Learning Theory Alliance (advised by Simons Associate Director Peter Bartlett, Avrim Blum, Stefanie Jegelka, Po-Ling Loh and Jenn Wortman Vaughan). Check out for more details and to sign up to volunteer.