Writing Workshop: Write, Write, Write Some More...
Siobhan Roberts (Science Communicator in Residence, Simons Institute)
Virtual meeting link will be emailed to program participants.
“Writing is nature’s way of letting you know how sloppy your thinking is.”
—Leslie Lamport (via Dick Guindon)
Please join Siobhan Roberts for an intensive writing experience.
Write, Write, Write Some More... commences with a workshop in which Siobhan presents what she considers the key elements of science writing for a general audience; followed by a Q&A.
Thereafter, workshop participants (20 spots available) are invited to write a short piece and receive an edit, with one-on-one feedback from Siobhan (the due date for submission of the piece would be May 7). The piece could be a proposed news article, an abstract for a research paper, a poem, a piece of writing in any shape or form, approximately 500 words. If desired, the editing/rewriting process will repeat with a couple of iterations—as Samuel Beckett advised, “Try again. Fail again. Fail better.”
In advance of the workshop, take a look at a couple of Siobhan’s published articles at her website, especially the pair of NYT articles on crumpled paper research: “This is the Way Paper Crumples” and the follow-up “The Latest Wrinkle in Crumple Theory.”