Fall 2014

SGT Theory-to-Practice Seminar
Tuesday, October 21st, 2014, 2:00 pm–3:00 pm
Parent Program:
Ioannis Koutis (University of Puerto Rico)
Calvin Lab 116
Spectral Methods for Segmenting Neurons in EM Images
Segmenting neural structures in electron microscopic (EM) images is a crucial step in the acquisition and analysis of connectomes, i.e. maps of neural connections. Segmentation of such images is a very laborious task for humans, and it appears to be a very difficult computational problem for which algorithms and methods are still in their infancy.
The talk will discuss a spectral approach based on the 'random walker'algorithm, which reduces graph segmentation with prior information to a small number of linear systems. We will show that an adaptation of the algorithm with a fair amount of 'engineering' yields a semi-automated method that finds good segmentations in only a fraction of the time required by a human.
The problem is a natural candidate for spectral approaches: other ideas and open discussion during the talk are particularly welcome.
(joint work with Richard Garcia)